Design Process: Design Thinking
Sprint duration: 1 week
Sprints: 3 Sprints
Sprint duration: 1 week
Sprints: 3 Sprints
Paying an homenaje to Cryptoart. Cryptopunkstars are Non-fungible tokens that live on the Ethereum blockchain. Each piece of work is a unique collaboration with the stars that have influenced and impacted the world around us.
My design process process for this project was a sequences of events that happened simultaneously that dictated the format, the aesthetics, the business model and the the road map to launch an NFT collection.
¿How to generate value for an NFT if you are not famous?
How can I design something that is impactful, adheres to crypto aesthetics and is able to generate conversions on a scalable level? Based on my experience working with talented artists, I have come to the conclusion that is not enough to have an amazing shippable product. It is more about culture. In other words the volume of your community and the ability to reach them. The more people you have in your community, the farther your reach.
During my time at Wyncode Academy as a product designer, I set a goal to start designing a personal product applying all the knowledge I’ve learned during my cohort. I didn’t have any idea of what kind of problems I could solve or how it would look. I only knew it had to be worth of my time and it must be able to impact people in a significant way to draw their attention to the product. This is the fuel I needed to create a shippable product from zero to launch.
My design process of choice was Design Thinking Process. I’m a very visual person and visualization is very linear especially when creating a product from the ground up. You need to know where you want to go and to know how to measure when you get there. I set my mode into a awareness of signals, hunches, patterns, and vibes during my research so selecting a non-linear thinking process sounded super attractive and made sense.
This how everything started, I was producing a song with 3 music bands from 3 different countries. As Executive Producer I have to wear many hats, like the music producer hat and the art director hat.
Im responsible for all the visuals involve in the marketing of the song like the album cover. Usually when it comes down to album covers is either a Graphic Design, a photograph or a mix of both.
The first idea we had for this project was to make a cartoon of each band member (9 musicians between the 3 bands) but I'm a cartoonist, so moved that idea aside because this would have to invalid having a cartoonist to draw the 9 members and there isn't budget for that.
I did a mood-board where I gather some ideas of how other bands have done it before, I was looking into vintage cumbia bands, because the song is a Cumbia and the main band is a Cumbia band.
this are some of the examples I found looking in to LP because many of this bands no longer exist and you can't find the original album covers on Spotify, so if you really wanted to see the real album cover you have to look in the the LP.

After looking at the all the examples, I came with one idea of using a map as a background and placing each photo of a band in there own country, one band is from United States, the other one is from Cuba and the main band is from Guatemala.
To explain the artists the idea I did a quick rough mockup of what the idea was and send it to everyone.
The feedback was the following:
We like it but who is going to take the photos?
Ca you make cartoons of everyone instead of photos?
who is going to draw the map so it actually looks like United States, Cuba and Guatemala?
At this point I already know can't be a photograph, and the idea of cartoon everyone is sounding more attractive now, so I start doing my research about what type of cartoons I can do.
Simultaneously I've been into buying an NFT, so Iv'e been looking into what are NFT's, what is Blockchain and how does it work, what is smart contracts, how to write them, what is solidity etc.
I've following the blow up of Cryptopunks, they went viral, all my news feeds are about Cryptopunks and how much they are trading and when Im sitting looking in to crypto punks trying to figure out how to do this cartoons and I say what if I can make cryptopunks versions of the artist that I need for the cover